Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Believe Bigger

Hi Heather-It's me, God.
I see that today you are thinking about "how" to really believe bigger for yourself? I know you already know that believing is a faith issue and you already know that YOU have to do that... I can't do it for you! I have given you such amazing power to create things (just like Me). I have also given you the ability to be in control of what you create. That ability is your "free will" and you already know that. But my question to you today is why don't you truly believe in your creative ability? You are getting everything the way you create it, my dear child. You are believing for the mediocre. You have bought into the fact that you are not endowed with everything that you need to be the person who you truly want to be. I want you to hear me when I tell you that I love you! I love you and I see everything you do. I know you are feeling like you can do more. Today I want you to see yourself like I see you... beautiful, complete, strong, capable, powerful, good, approved of, loved beyond any love you have ever felt from any human being you've experienced on earth. Please feel the feelings that come from the belief that you've got it all right inside of you now. Read these words to yourself and picture what those words look like to you. How do you feel when you see yourself the way I see you? If you can't do it, then just possibly trust that the words that are flowing through your head to your heart to your fingers to the keys and onto the screen are really from Me and BELIEVE it just 10 percent more than you did before. If you do that, you will see what a growing faith can do in your life. Expect Me to help you, Heather... because I will! I just need your heart to believe me!!!!!